maharajPinned Post
The best friends and secret dream lovers of Vaishnavi renunciate women are actually Islamic Men or other Abrahamic men. Even Siddhi men. Their sworn enemy is the Dharmic man. Accordingly the biggest enemy of Dharmic men should be Saadhvi renunciate Hindu women – not even – every Hindu woman that looks upto them, which is nearly all -…Read More
maharajPinned Post
My father has paid the ultimate price at long last. They took him. The Domain will fight to restore him to full Matrix war honours with all privileges. His story will be known. The world as it is become will be cleaned. The invisible sacrifices and the silent victims will be honoured.
maharajPinned Post
BLAST the DOLLAR out of its motherfucking existence.
This man MODI has turned into a BOTA CORPSE and LAYYS OVER and SEES the shakedown of everything that was the strength of BHARAT – converting everything to ENDTIA.
Nepal is printing currency with BHARAT lands on it. Bangladesh is OPENLY threatening a nation of 1.4 billion!
You read…Read More
maharajPinned Post
the Maharaj himself says that the embassy of Finland in New Delhi is a hub for pedophilia.
it is supported in this activity by the embassy of USA, which is right next door.
maharajPinned Post
WHY is this here?Why is this here when it DOES not have to do with anything the DOMAIN did or Maharaj spoke?
maharajPinned Post
मैं तुम्हें शर्म दूंगा तुम मुझे बेशर्म कर दो
maharajPinned Post
The biggest enemy of The Domain, and Maharaj himself are the ORANGE clad nar bundies – that dont reproduce, are averse to women, family beyond an extent and do not care to appeal to women – will not look nice, make up for the torsion in their dick with a false stick (wrap that in an orange condom as well) – and pretend to pursue DHARMA, when they…Read More
oh the same goes for many, many (numerous) Brahmacharini ho’s .. Maharaj is more in touch with whats inside of these ones than they themselves. I leave a use case out because of saints like Meerabai whose bhakti was for herself. DONT preach women to leave their homes and be cut-pussies in your temple so you have an extra pair of hands.
such men can be hunted at least without sanction from the domain – that is, we dont care if such men are hunted
maharajPinned Post
BUT dont speak this way.
I love letting out some steam ALL the time.
The story today is not even about all the NYC banks. Western banks.
No its not America either.
Look at those taking their bags from Boeing’s equity in NYC or Wall Street to who in Moscow?
America…Read More
maharajPinned Post
I don’t want anything to overtake my narrative which is my lived truth. Still from time to time there are certain pieces of media I am sent that make me feel like I am not the only person who is trying to spread awareness in the very least the fear in me that I will be perceived as an outlier, goes a little bit down. So I do not have any evidence…Read More
maharajPinned Post
There is more inspiration – how nice. Estonia and its beautiful people RISE! I had been entertaining the thought of a sort of a I/O battle force because we are under attack and soon will launch it. We must fight for our land and mind. Governments of all kinds are like Zelenskyy’s that will SELL the flesh of its own children. May be that man is…Read More
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maharajPinned Post
More and more I admit to myself this man, the Prime Minister Modi – is likely the MOST unfitting and the MOST discongruent entity EVER to have graced power, not only in India, but likely ANYWHERE in the world. Why do I think so?
1. He DINT just bend his knees. His administration and HIMSELF prominently so, LAID over top of the bahu beti’s of the country – and BENT their souls so they flee.
2. he came to power in an orgasmic energy – but a SQUIB mistaken for a renunciate – then turned around and destroyed that same orgasmic life in India for millions of families. Even if PM Modi is nothing I said in great consideration, he is CERTAINLY the most anti-climactic personality EVER to have graced power. The sex and the energy in the people…Read More
I grew up around vile men that had hijacked power but there was a way to get it. I grew up praying God never put me in front of this one man: Atiq Ahmed. Because I am who I am and he would have killed me. YET, for ever Shivaji there is a Afzal Khan, an Aurangzeb for every Jaswant Singh. The amount of OUTRAGE I had growing up seeing that face: Atiq…Read More
Anyways to sneak such a demon out, WHEN THE DEMON OF THE DEEP STATE that maharaj’s family was made to fight single handedly – WHILE MODI SHAKES HIS HANDS – on independence day !!!!!! that he cannot do anything – is intolerable. If you have gotten the post of the Prime Miniister which – and HE RIGHTLY credited BOSE – but HELLO? NO FAVORS THERE Bose…Read More
You have gotten 10 years – AT LEAST the blood was red and raw while COngress was in power – YESS, Mr Gandhi doesnt have the state of self assured bull shit that Modi and MANY stalwart politicians do – BUTTTT we were all FRESH and healthy under PM Manmohan Singh – everyone could express themselves. MODI stole or did he not steal – from every home…Read More
but my challenge remains to quietly lead Dharma in the MOST expansive direction and not be overt about so many things of yours otherwise, these dirty forces will destroy my lead in Hinduism as well. I must quietly thrive and try and keep quiet about what moves me and where power is – UNTIL I find the right ones.
On this mangal bela, may this humble sacrifice from within our own family – as per Swamiji Himself, please you to kindly lead us to Krishna, Truth (Shiva) and TO YOU, the Tantrik Buddha Himself and to yours: Yeshe Tsogyal and to Mandarava, taking families and our children alongside, so no one is left behind and there is victory and there is Dharma…Read More
Narendra Modi and his men. Those that ate India for my father, my family, wife and children, will have to bear accountability.
देशभर के लोगों की प्रताड़ना का संजोग करके यह मंदिर बनाने चला है. जहां-जहां इसका पंजा पड़ गया और इससे जुड़े हुए लोगों का वहां हर जगह धरती ही विपरीत हो गई धर्म तो बहुत दूर की बात है.
बस जैसे इजरायल की खाट खड़ी गई है अब समय है कि इसकी खत को भी खड़ा किया जाए. नरेंद्र मोदी ने अमेरिका की मदद से जो जल बुनकर भारत के हिंदुओं की दुर्दशा मचाई है उसकी भरपाई तो यह नहीं कर सकता पर इसकी हालत भी वही ने तान्या हो जैसे ही होनी चाहिए ना घर का ना घाट का. सबसे पहले इसकी पार्टी को जमीन दोष करना जरूरी है
This endtia is the same India that took a bond and medical of millions from my father after hitting him in the streets, in front of his parked car. May the powerful take money from such oppressors. May they punish them.
May you destroy yourselves. May you perish.
Matt, choose strength to know more
Mrs Gandhi (Sonia Gandhi) fought with the deep state of USA and I admire her from my heart. She was bad with missionaries and the corruption.
I am grateful to the Prime Minister Modi for ALL his work in Gujarat. Then he was TAKEN by the USA / Israel combo – or he first was and then brought in. He is horrible with missionaries and ONLY does…Read More -
Today more aggravations related to my own father and anyways they came to my head anyways dot dot dot… होल्ड योर फैमिली मेंबर्स डियर इंक्रीज थे स्ट्रैंथ इन योर हाउसहोल्ड इन्फ्यूरिएट द फायर था warms योर hearth, be stronger…
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if I said much of everything happening is DIRECTLY related to cues on the Domain (https://bhakti.exchange/domain) you would NEVER come back, will you