More and more I admit to myself this man, the Prime Minister Modi – is likely the MOST unfitting and the MOST discongruent entity EVER to have graced power, not only in India, but likely ANYWHERE in the world. Why do I think so?
2. he came to power in an orgasmic energy – but a SQUIB mistaken for a renunciate – then turned around and destroyed that same orgasmic life in India for millions of families. Even if PM Modi is nothing I said in great consideration, he is CERTAINLY the most anti-climactic personality EVER to have graced power. The sex and the energy in the people wanted redemption after a thousand years of slavery and he showed the state of the prolonged hero: the ANTICLIMAX of leadership.
I grew up around vile men that had hijacked power but there was a way to get it. I grew up praying God never put me in front of this one man: Atiq Ahmed. Because I am who I am and he would have killed me. YET, for ever Shivaji there is a Afzal Khan, an Aurangzeb for every Jaswant Singh. The amount of OUTRAGE I had growing up seeing that face: Atiq Ahmed’s face, him getting away with killing and likely, rapes, although I dont personally believe – the monster was incapable of love outside blood … I wanted to NEUTRALIZE Atiq Ahmed and how? BY becoming in ferocity what he was in opprobrium, bullying… But what was Atiq? He was a response to the DIRT in the Hindu fabric – partly from AFTER invasions and partly BCOZ they could be invaded.
Anyways to sneak such a demon out, WHEN THE DEMON OF THE DEEP STATE that maharaj’s family was made to fight single handedly – WHILE MODI SHAKES HIS HANDS – on independence day !!!!!! that he cannot do anything – is intolerable. If you have gotten the post of the Prime Miniister which – and HE RIGHTLY credited BOSE – but HELLO? NO FAVORS THERE Bose ji did everything he could and you should have recognized him sooner – its not like you built a statue to him like Sardar Patel”s … but Bose’s statue came AFTER Domain, Maharaj’s family THAT STARTED this whole struggle or so it seems
You have gotten 10 years – AT LEAST the blood was red and raw while COngress was in power – YESS, Mr Gandhi doesnt have the state of self assured bull shit that Modi and MANY stalwart politicians do – BUTTTT we were all FRESH and healthy under PM Manmohan Singh – everyone could express themselves. MODI stole or did he not steal – from every home in the country and paid in to the reserve dollar? ONLY the Russian Amb spoke up before his Embassy felicitated the murder of the HERO OF THE POOR of Bharat, and he was also folded. Congress did scams no doubt – BUT THEY WERE ONLY A FEW THOUSAND CRORES OR SO. Modi gave the country’s money to USA and to the EU. Only Russia spoke up.

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1. He DINT just bend his knees. His administration and HIMSELF prominently so, LAID over top of the bahu beti’s of the country – and BENT their souls so they flee.