The Prime Minister once threatened US from an equal podium – this means 4PM either is getting deep state matrix inputs or I mentioned this elsewhere. Mind!
The STRONGER proportioning of the US in the Matrix means that it will make you lay an egg and then force feed you too with a fork made out of your fingers. The old Prime Minister does as he os told. BUT. The problem is that he DISMISSES the fierce Bhakti Exchange and the fierce Maharaj in tip toeing the USA’s line, the Matrix’s line. He stays quiet. The BJP needs to learn where is this … the seat of power. When my children have scarificed the most and I …
However all this while his friends and he and reliance have all enjoyed… everything has been laid out for them. To the extent, pres Putin once declared that India IS sovereign – that chinese reporter (Force or something) says there are only three truly sovereign powers – US, Rus, and China. So there is this shamelessness in the possibility of Modi conjuring our harassment from his and his Baabus dirty desk…. to the extent that pleases him because everything else is disposed according to the old Sahab’s wishes F THEM ALL OUT OF DELHI – his minions are all him. The whoel thing has to disappear.
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US – as in not the country – thats beyond Modi’s realm. US as in US. This screenshot here just in case the video is taken down.