Pakistan as an entity has seized to exist and please understand please understand that China is not a threat. The threat is the Babu that is sitting on our Liberty our rights to dual passports our freedom to own land our connection with mother India. The connection of Dharma itself with India
They have murdered my father and they will murder your fathers next
All those this glamour about our mails finally getting their day in court but you can assume that it is all romance until things actually begin to change on the ground this is there way of fooling you keeping you to solution keeping you involved in a romance that will waste your energy and time possibly because save the Hindu dharmik female as more of a threat than the Hindu male
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As to their friends like this friends like friends friends is a genocidal power that controlled nearly half of Africa and the Meena countries a until a few months ago can you imagine this that is the France that Narendra Modi is taking shelter under so long as he can continue the slavery of the dharmik people at the hands of the colonial complex with trump at its helm