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      2 weeks, 1 day ago

      Markandeya rishi das Prabhu:

      Yes Maya is very powerful. insurmountable – but by PremiiNitai’s( and His agent Lord Shiva’s) unconventional unconditional and all extending kripa we kaliyugaites can be delivered from her clutches.

      ☰ The Worship of the Liṅgam is Higher Easier, and More Merciful than the Direct Worship of the Lord’s Deity

      ☰ The form of the pure devotee is more merciful than the form of God in the words of God Himself. That is the Liṅgam!

      ☰ Krishna to Uddhav in SB 11.19.21: mad-bhakta-pūjābhyadhikā… “Worship of the form of My pure devotee is much higher than the direct worship of My own form.” That is the Liṅgam!

      ☰ The Liṅgam at the Gopishvar temple in Vrindavan was the one worshiped by all the Vraj gopis, including Radha, to attain Lord Krishna as their husband.

      ☰ The Liṅgam at the Pataleshvar temple in Ekachakra was the one worshiped by Hadai Pandit to attain Lord Nitai as his son.

      ☰ The Liṅgam at the Ashishvar temple in Nandagaon was the one worshiped by the Parjanya to attain Lord Krishna as his grandson.

      ☰ The Liṅgam at the Kshetrapal temple in Shreedham Mayapur was the one worshiped by Jagannath Mishra to attain Lord Gaura as his son.

      ☰ The Liṅgam at the Chakreshwar temple in Govardhan was the one worshiped by Sanatan to attain association of his beloved Maha Vaishnav Shiv.

      ☰ Every single Liṅgam in every village or town Lord Gaura visited was worshiped by Him personally with the prayer to the Liṅgam to attain Krishna Prem, even though Gaura is Krishna Himself.

      ☰ The list goes on and on and on, you can add more in the comments…

      ☰ All of Them above could have directly worshiped the Deity of the Lord to attain Their topmost desire. But They knew that only the easily pleased Ashutosh Maha Vaishnav Shiv’s Liṅgam Worship can fulfill such an impossible desire quickly, not even the Lord Himself may grant such a difficult improbable desire as He would have to personally descend from Golok for that in His tad-ekatma form! #liṅgam

      ☰ Prayer to the Liṅgam

      ☰ Shreel Bhaktisiddhant Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupaad offered these prayers to Gopishvar Mahadev when he visited the Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneshwar on June 22nd, 1922:

      ☰ vrindavanvani-pate jaya soma soma maule, sanak-sanandan-sanatan-naradeya; gopishvar vraj-vilasi-yuganghri-padme, prema prayacch nirupadhi namo namas te.

      ☰ “O Shiv, O Gatekeeper of Vrindavan and all Dhams! O You, Who are accompanied by Uma (Parvati)! O You who carry the moon in your hair! O Lord worshiped by the four Sanat Kumars, Sanatan Goswami, and Narad Muni! O Gopishwar, the most worshipable Deity and Benedictor of the Gopis! Desiring that You quickly bestow upon me the topmost, pure, and designation-less love for the divine couple, Shree Shree Kundeshwari Krishna, who perform joyous pastimes in Vraj, I offer my repeated obeisances unto You again and again as my only hope.” (Shreel Vishwanath Chakravarti’s Shree Sankalp-kalpadrum) #liṅgam

      ☰ He accepts all the rejected stuff, even those who are rejected even by the Pure Vaishnavs and the Lord due to their offensive nature! This is Lord Shiv! That’s why He is the true Sarva Guru of all living entities in this universe! Most pure devotees and Lord advent from the spiritual world only for a short time and go back and they shower mercy on the chosen fortunate ones. But Bhola Shiv is patiently remaining forever from time immemorial in all the 9 trillion+ universes and is gradually, patiently, yet constantly awarding love causelessly to zillions of completely rejected hopelessly forsaken souls, even the demons who may never be chosen by the Lord and His pure devotees, and sending their souls permanently to their eternal home, the spiritual world, even if they are averse to such an ultimate benediction! How much unprecedented inconceivable mercy this is? Who will reject, ignore, or neglect such a merciful Master and the last frontier of all hope of all rejected souls to attain the spiritual world?


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