The Indian government is an anathema of 80 years to Indians and a trusted lieutenant of the Mlechcha – if our people were allowed to breathe we would be in Mauritania and not Arabs. We would be in the Sahel. Hindi would be too. And Idi Amin’s boats were carrying Arabs instead. One more thing – this breathing doesnt mean taking care of pollution. It means not listening to Mlechcha outsiders when disallowing us from passports, exit controls, just the whole TERMINATION in the garb of BABYING, and at the behest of the Endtian western masters. The Government of Finland says that Indians are not un-colonized – its been a year or of them having said this. Well, perhaps Endtia (and India if you like) continue to be conolonized and that is WHY we havent moved on. This small country has a HUGE role as well to play in this game with our lives, families and emotions. This state called Finland. And THEY know it ALL. Maharaj calls it #WhiteSomaliland
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