May the remainder of the term of the tormentor of Bharat be filled in horror, despair and ABJECT cruelty now redirected back at his affairs, functions and energy. May his alliances fail and he look at walls for a window out of the prison he has created out of Endtia. May he be brought to his knees and his clothes taken to reveal the dog that he truly is.
May he perish! May he perish.
May the end come from within as the help so far has come from the without and the west. May there be pressure in the order of the day and diminshed decision making by every evening. May the fate of the original party leadership, befall upon the worms and dogs that have usurped it all so unfairly. Or whoever partakes in the fruit starts fighting the poison. May there be pain and may there also be no respite from pain. May the realities change and hope entirely extinguish.

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May the men that are nourishing themselves find it poisonous in their skins and organs what they take that was denied to mine and that is a place to live, for Modi to be deprived of as well. May there be divine justice – not on the poor and the cold and the unknowing – may there be intervention such as that eviscerates the idea of a skin from upon the beasts that rule and control Delhi and their underlings.