just as these men wasted two years of their life, imprisoned so also MY FAMILY – has been imprisoned for years. YOU are my hope. For all kinds of pussiatic nonsense. If this whatever it is – a satellite of the Disunited States would have hehe: executed – these men – the fate of the nation state of Kutaran would be sealed to counted months of this activity. YOU ARE ARYAVARTIS. This matrix is run so you FORGET your power! Like Hanuman!
Rise and Look!
I spoke this truth 15 years ago to power and this is the price I have paid. The total of the price of all these men put together.
once we start to chant – Kataran and the base of the Aramican deep state over there would all MELT.
But you want videos on YT that casts information matrices over us.
Help me improve this server and funds to do so and Ill start hosting videos for you!
Saudi, Endtians and all these individually are cast to float this dhow of Kataran – it is game play BUT THESE men and their families JUST AS MINE ARE ALL PAYING THE REAL PRICE.