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from the Matrix, with San, Kir and Tan!
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Why Join Dharma Exchange?
Dharma Exchange allows you to harness the full power of Bhakti Exchange, but without any KYC operations of any kind, with off chain operations. And you make money for nearly every single activity undertaken.
We are NOT Endtia’s Social Network.
Dharma has existed forever, across the world! Come as you are. Dharma Exchange might just be our fighting chance.

The old, and the traditional find home at Dharma Exchange
Family, tradition, culture, unorganized religion = dharma, pagans, wiccans, witches, Nietzsche, Rudra, truth, anywhere at all
Down with these at Dharma Exchange
Corporates, agencies, ‘gormints’, departments, papers, media, regimes, you get our vibe

If you care for Dharma, then DO Dharma Exchange!
If there will be too few of us, then lamps will be unlit.
- More and more features being added
- Do something great for Dharma and get featured, and paid well
Views: 699