An invalid winning a championship is less surprising than finding a brother drunk on his sister’s wedding. Welcome to the post Covid world. JOIN the exchange or get ready to redo our lessons.
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The only ones WORSE than the freak Baba, are the ones that look for them. You deserve them. You are the FREAK. He is the mirror. Freaks in a freak show. Dead in the fields.
We are at war with the deep state. The Maharaj is, The Domain is, the Exchange is as well. We fight with Russia, we fight with the USA, we fight with the mongol swedes in the EU that have been brought in to break it and NATO. Look at our homepage. So we get more torture and Matrix and psyops than everyone else combined. We call out Putin’s shit…Read More
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Im of the view that the dark beauties of South India should SHARE especially all the assistance from Eelam, Church, and their new gormints, write letters in Tamil, all their community strengths (networks from western student visa trees) they are entitled to – dark power FTW. The same with Muslims, Sindhis and Punjabis. When you win for Russia, do…Read More
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we have no option but to respectfully call for the magical powers of the thick yellow vrinda paste face Baba to save at least the ones alive in Ruus. Only he can help. But we fight with him as well, on the side of the precious turmeric and the divine Vrinda Devi. The ones that search for these Babas are the only ones worse than these. For…Read More